Kannada actress Umashree, who is currently shooting in Mysore for Kannada serial 'Tayi Shapa', had a miraculous escape in a car accident near Kanminike village on Friday. According to the Bidadi police, she was on her to Mysore for the shooting of the serial when her car rammed a private bus on Bangalore-Mysore highway at Kanminike.
The police sources say, “Two buses were going towards Maddur and Umashree’s car was behind them. The accident occurred when the driver of one of the buses braked suddenly near Kanminike and the other rammed it. Consequently, Umashree’s car hit the second bus.”
The front portion of the car was totally damaged. Umashree’s driver suffered minor injuries and was treated at a hospital near Bidadi. However, the actress continued her journey to Mysore in another car. Meanwhile, the Bidadi police have registered cases against the bus drivers and seized the vehicles.
The Kannada actress has played 200 different roles in 350 movies. She has recently been awarded with Best Actress at 55th Indian National Film Awards 2007 for her performance in Girish Kasaravalli’s movie Gulabi Talkies.
Talking about the accident at a felicitation function, Umashree said, “Audiences wish saves my life because I think I still need to contribute a lot to the film industry. That is the reason I escaped unhurt from the accident.”
kannada actress wallpapers, Kannada movie news, sandallwood news
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