Saturday, April 17, 2010

Kim Kardashian Nude In Harper’s Bazaar

Kim Kardashian
Here’s the bodacious Kim Kardashian, who we all secretly drool over, in the newest issue of Harper’s Bazaar… completely nude! The photo is part of the magazine’s editorial The Naked Truth: Nude Celebrities, Unretouched… which means no photoshopping was invloved, and which also means she really is that freaking hot and that I’ve always been right about her hotness. C’mon, how can you guys look at that photo and not call her a drop dead sexy goddess? That’s right, you can’t! Make sure to check out Harper’s Bazaar’s website for a whole lot more Kim Kardashian hotness. Enjoy!

Kim Kardashian
Harper’s Bazaar Photo Credit: Amanda de Cadenet

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